Corpusculum - Fort Maarsseveen

Corpusculum 2023, concrete, pigment
Corpusculum 2023, concrete, pigment

Corpusculum, rondom Het Fort 2023: Fort Maarsseveen
The work “Copusculum”, Latin for small body, refers to the smallest collection of particles in our universe. In the sculpture I show a volume that is derived from my body sitting in a fetal position. The smallest volume that my body can take up in space.
The expansion of the body represents the escape of a fixed form. In my works I try to transform the human form as we know it into a form that represents rest. Like the fetal position. At the same time, the fetal position is very vulnerable and the concrete mold serves as a protective shell.
I ask the viewer to look at a form that seems to be built inside out with the ribs on the outside. These ribs provide stability in your body, just like a rib cage. In this work they are on the outside, which creates a macabre but also serene appearance.